Monday, October 8, 2012


High. On a mountain. Trees surrounding. New, clean air filling lungs. Its Cold. Feels Good. Feels good going down my throat, or wherever it goes down. 
 Sensation. Sensation never before experienced. Lungs expand to their fullest and embrace the richness of the lightness of the air.

A newborn baby's first breath. Feels like that. Completely new. Unexplored. Yet exhilarating. Thrilling. 
Can't stop soaking in all the air Surrounding. Making each breath fill my lungs to capacity and then some cause it tastes to good. Tastes light.
 Feels powerful, yet light.
I'd imagine this is what being immortal feels like.
Breathing in. Breathing out.
Immortality spreading through my veins. Filling every pore. Every crack, crevice, Every empty space within my soul.

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