Friday, August 31, 2012


You are what you are,
You're not what you're not.
Singing in a different voice,
To a different tune,
Does nothing but confuse your friends from kindergarten.

During a tea party on the second day of class, a girl read me a quote. 'Sing in your own voice.' When she asked if I knew what it meant, without thinking, without trying to logically figure out what it meant, without telling my mouth to say some specific, genius answer, I found these words forming on my lips: "You are what you are, you're not what you're not." Surprised at the complete awesomeness that come out I decided I had to say something that defined where the outburst came from so I hurriedly told my mouth to say, "Wow, I just made that up on the spot." Put those two sentences together and....they rhyme. Some of you reading this are like 'what two sentences?' Well let me help you out. The two quoted sentences!

As I said these things to this girl I realized how stupid it sounded. Regardless of how odd a place it was to get inspiration I wrote a poem from the sudden outburst of words. A poem you read at the beginning of this intro.

 Genius comes from the most straightforward of things. It comes from simple bliss, a crescendo of rage, sudden outbursts of origins unknown. Regardless of where it comes, it came, and whether you raise it to brilliance or let it lay on the floor, it has the potential to be great. That's what I want to focus on for this blog.